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Securing equitable impact, collaboratively

Together is an advisory consultancy. Our agile team has many decades of combined experience in governance, natural resources, international trade, transparency and accountability as well as stakeholder engagement across dozens of countries.

The energy transition – ‘et’ is at the centre of what we do at Together.
We believe that the common good is the greatest good - the bedrock for equity and an energy transition that is just and sustainable.

Together works hand-in-hand with industry, investors, development finance institutions, governments and communities to deliver a Just Energy Transition (JET) – collectively turning the planet’s resources and energy into power… for good.

Our Team

Our Values

Deeply held values drive all that we do.  







For our fellow humans, our fellow non-human beings, the landscapes we inhabit that existed for many thousands of years before us, for the importance of the soil, water and plant-life that is fostered by it, and on which all life depends.

That we can collectively transition beyond extractive capitalism and consumer-based, individualistic materialism to an economic and social communitarianism not based on growth, but well-being.

We will not shy away from the difficult work of engaging entrenched positions/asymmetries, past traumas and ongoing disputes to facilitate progress and help healing processes to take effect. Nor will we ever be co-opted to processes or outcomes which do not reflect our values.                                                                                                                                               

We know from long experience that political economy issues are location specific, complex, messy, ever in flux and fraught with risk. We accept that, prepare for the unexpected, and work with the grain to mitigate risks and sustain progress.

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